Tech Campus for Global Talents.

We are a firm believer in young people and the role of talents as a vital pillar in building great tech ecosystems. Techcampus empowers young people with on-demand technology skills. These skills include UI/UX design, frontend development, back-end development, mobile development and data analysis. We train and place them in jobs with companies across the globe.

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Tech Education for Everyone

Our market driven approach

Training Sessions

Learn from anywhere in the world on desktop, tablet or mobile phone with an Internet connection.

Daily Check-Ins

Develop skills for career by joining daily standups and receive check-ins from instructors.


Get some mentorship and guidance for your future career and vocational directions.

After Training Support

Make a reservation with our special consultant to learn what's best for your dream career.

Build Your Dream Today

Learn on-demand technology skills.

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Product Design

Product design is all about details. It is the part of the design process that defines the final quality of a product. Entails the use of graphic design, typography, photography and many more.

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Front-end Web Development

Front-end Web development involves learning how to develop websites and applications, interact with databases through APIs and understanding how web pages are accessed on the world wide web.

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Back-end Web Development

Back-end web development involves learning and understanding programming languages and server architecture, as well as a mix of databases, APIs, and operating systems that power an app’s front end.

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Mobile Application Development

Mobile Development encompasses the creation of apps for use on devices such as tablets, smartphones, automobiles and watches. Mobile apps are designed and built for different operating systems. The Android operating system and Apple’s iOS are the most popular.

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Data Analysis

Data anaylsis covers the whole spectrum of data processing, including the algorithmic or statistical aspects. Machine learning is a set of algorithms that train on a data set to make predictions or take actions in order to optimize some systems. Data Analysis applies machine learning, predictive analytics, and sentiment analysis to extract critical information from the collected data sets.

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Get started effortlessly

Learn with Us

We have trained and supported thousands of technology talents who are building amazing technologies and companies across Africa.

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Our top learners' verbatim

Collaboration and Support During Training

TechCampus was not just a learning place for me, we were a tech family with members willing to help each other grow and learn. I'm really glad I attended.

Chukwudi Udeh
/ Technical Project Manager / DevOps Engineer.

Professional mentorship

My designs have gotten better and this is thanks to my time at the TechCampus. Being mentored by some of the best product designers in our tech space has given me the edge and confidence.

Sola Ogunniran
/ Full-stack Developer

Highly recommend their courses and teaching system

I used to be skeptical about coding, but not anymore. Thanks to the TechCampus, I know now that anyone can code and I'm really excited about learning more!

Temilayo Subair
/ Frontend Engineer

From beginner to job-ready

You can be your own guiding star with our help!

Start Your Training Today!
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