Formerly, Findworka Academy...
Now, Techcampus Africa

Empowering companies and talents are key to everything we do at Techcampus Africa and that is why our mission remains to empower people and businesses with the technology and opportunities that they need to succeed. To support talents, this platform is tailored towards helping young people learn, get hired and also thrive in various companies across the continent.

Techcampus Africa empowers young people with on-demand technology skills. These skills include UI/UX design, frontend development, back-end development, mobile development and data analysis. We train and place them in jobs with companies across the globe.

Join us... We'd help you change your life.

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No Stories, we sharpen their skills in project environment

Great Benefits For Our Students.

World-Class Curriculum

Techcampus Africa is that platform to deliver physical and virtual training to millions of young people across Africa and place them in jobs.

Office Hours with Tech Leads

During the programme, we will get our students to meet with technical founders, CTOs and engineering managers of leading companies in Africa.

Intro to Dev Community

We have maintaned an open tech community of over 5,000 designers and engineers. We will connect and keep our students engaged via the Saucecode community.

TechCampus was not just a learning place for me, we were a tech family with members willing to help each other grow and learn. I'm really glad I attended.

Chukwudi Udeh
/ Technical Project Manager / DevOps Engineer

"I have received the best training from TechCampus ..."


rated by our Alumni

My designs have gotten better and this is thanks to my time at the TechCampus. Being mentored by some of the best product designers in our tech space has given me the edge and confidence.

Theodora Utomudo
/ Frontend Developer
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Join Us

We are Passionate.

Curriculum, facilitators, logistics are ready. Your partnership/sponsorship is the missing piece of the jigsaw.

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